Useful Contacts

Contact information for the Pet Poison Helpline and for Animal Welfare Concerns including: Roaming or injured animals at large, noise or dangerous animal complaints, suspected animal cruelty, etc.

Know of any other Useful contacts we should add to this list? Let us know!

Pet Poison Helpline

Locations: Canada, U.S.A. & the Caribbean

Phone #: (855) 764-7661


Description: Pet Poison Helpline® is a 24-hour animal poison control service available throughout the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean for pet owners and veterinary professionals who require assistance with treating a potentially poisoned pet. A consultation fee may apply.

Animal Welfare Concerns Related to Companion Animals

Check out the information below provided by Animal Protection Services of Saskatchewan.

Another option for those in or near Saskatoon is to contact Living Sky Wildlife Rehabilitation 306-281-0554

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