Let’s Talk About Bully Sticks…

Let’s talk about Bully Sticks, Bull Pizzles, Pizzle Sticks…

What are they? They are a natural chew for your dog made from…Beef/Steer Penis. That’s right, you read that correctly! Some of you may have known that already but many people do not. There are also other protein options for Bully Sticks besides Beef such as Bison, Lamb and more!

Now why would you want to give your dog one of these? Well they are a natural, highly digestible chew, decently tough and few dogs will turn them down. Plus, chewing is a natural dog behavior that produces “feel good” chemicals in your dog’s brain, such as dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins. Chewing can also promote a strong jaw and help keep their teeth clean.

When looking for a Bully Stick for your dog my recommendation is to purchase from smaller, local pet stores as they are more likely to carry quality products. Look for ones that are ‘less stinky’ (I smell them in-store myself😉), otherwise your house will smell pretty unpleasant when your dog is chewing on it. Or, if you get a stinky one, make it an outside chew!

Always supervise your dog while they are chewing on it, and wash your hands after handling them. They are a higher calorie chew (but low in fat!) which means they are best fed occasionally.

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