Bright Eyes Dog Rescue

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Bright Eyes Dog Rescue

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Bright Eyes Dog Rescue (BEDR) was established in 2010 and is a Non-Profit and registered charity based in Regina. They rescue stray, abandoned and surrendered dogs from communities throughout the province and are a foster-based organization, relying on volunteers, fosters and donations from the community.

Types of Animals they work with: Dogs

Along with rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming Dogs, BEDR also offers a spay/neuter-return program to remote communities who may not have access to veterinary care. They also provide ongoing support for the dogs even after adoption, post educational information and tips, host medical pop-up clinics, and strive to help with the over population of pets. They have found over 3,450 Dogs new homes and travelled over 200,000kms since they began in 2010.

Bright Eyes Dog Rescue is always looking for Volunteers, Fosters for animals and Donations as there is no short supply in animals in need. Read the full Blog post to see how you can help!


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Regina, SK, Canada
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