Featured Adoptable Pets

Check out the Featured Adoptable Pets from our ResQ Partner Members!

These pets are available for adoption through Saskatchewan-based rescue and shelter organizations. Some reside in foster homes and others in animal shelters such as SPCA's and Humane Societies. There are MANY other available pets available through all of these organizations!

Are you a rescue organization or animal shelter based in Saskatchewan? Do you want to feature an adoptable pet on our site each month? Sign up for our FREE ResQ Partnership

A little about the featured pet: 

Featured until DATE, 2024

ResQ Partner Featured Adoptable Pet Regina Cat Rescue (1)

A little about the featured pet: Poor Kenga is a sweet senior who has experienced more turmoil in her "golden years" than she did in the first 10 years of her life, but she is a trooper! Surrendered back to the rescue 6 years ago, Kenga was meant to be a long-term foster for a kind person in need of companionship. They enjoyed 5 happy years together before he had to go to assisted living. Thankfully, another kind soul stepped up to foster Kenga and she continues to do very well.

Kenga is a sweet, affectionate and laid back cat who has rolled with the cards life has dealt her. She would love life as an only cat, but is doing just fine with the other cat in her foster home. Kenga is not overly active and enjoys chilling in a cozy spot and accepting pets and cuddles. She is simply seeking a cozy and quiet home and above all a stable home where she can finally enjoy life as a golden girl!

Good with other cats. Kenga is remarkably healthy for her age but is in the early stages of kidney failure and on a renal diet.

Featured until November 2, 2024

A little about the featured pet:

Featured until DATE 2024

A little about the featured pet: 

Featured until DATE, 2024

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