Featured Adoptable Pets

Check out the Featured Adoptable Pets from our ResQ Partner Members!

These pets are available for adoption through Saskatchewan-based rescue and shelter organizations. Some reside in foster homes and others in animal shelters such as SPCA's and Humane Societies. There are MANY other available pets available through all of these organizations!

Are you a rescue organization or animal shelter based in Saskatchewan? Do you want to feature an adoptable pet on our site each month? Sign up for our FREE ResQ Partnership

A little about the featured pet: 

Featured until DATE, 2024

A little about the featured pet:

Featured until DATE 2024

ResQ Partner Featured Adoptable Pet New Hope

A little about the featured pet: I was so happy to be rescued because, let me tell ya, I'm all about the cuddles. I'm not just talking about a quick snuggle – oh no! When I come up to you, get ready for a proper puppy hug where I hold on tight and don’t let go! I may be just a pup, but I've got the spirit and curiosity of an explorer. Whether I'm exploring through the backyard or hitting the trails for a hike by your side, it’s all so new and exciting! But don’t let my puppy play fool you, I’ve also got some serious skills under my collar. From knowing my name and coming when called to mastering commands like sit and down, I'm a quick learner who's always eager to please. And when it comes to crate training and house training, well, let's just say I've got that covered too. No accidents on my watch! When it’s time to settle, I take your cue and curl up for a puppy dog nap! My ears haven’t quite decided if they’re going to stand up yet, so for now, the tips flop over, and all the adults say I’m just the cutest! Heh!

With my insatiable curiosity, every new trail is just waiting to be explored! So, what do you say? Are you ready to welcome a companion that will show you so much love and affection and be your best friend on the trail? If so, then let's make it official – Scout, the adventurous & loving explorer pup!

Featured until July 6, 2024

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