Become a Sponsor of the SaskPets Community!
Sponsors help with the growth and maintenance of the SaskPets website and the Saskatchewan Pet Community! Plus there are some great Advertising opportunities for local Pet Businesses!
Your support allows us to:
- Make helpful and relevant content for pet owners, pet businesses, pet rescues and anyone else who loves pets!
- Feature Saskatchewan-based pet businesses, handmade products, pet-friendly locations and more!
- Support local pet rescues through education, fostering, spreading awareness and raising funds
- Build and maintain our online platform including the Directory, Community Bulletin, Event Calendar, Weekly Newsletter and more!
- Support smaller, local businesses through promotion, collaboration and networking
- Create a supportive, positive community where pet loving people can have fun, learn and work together
Sponsorship Options
Sponsorship Options for Saskatchewan-based Pet Businesses
Top Dog
You must be the owner of a pet-related business within Saskatchewan
- Detailed Listing Upgrade
- Added to Our Supporters Pages/Areas
- Social Media Shout-outs & Features
- FREE & Discounted Advertising Opportunities
$165/year + GST
Cool Cat
You must be the owner of a pet-related business within Saskatchewan
- Detailed Listing Upgrade
- Added to Our Supporter Pages/Areas
- Social Media Shout-out
$75/year + GST
Other Sponsorship Options
Options for other Businesses, those outside of Saskatchewan as well as Pet Owners, Pet Enthusiasts, Pet Lovers and Pet Rescue Organizations
Business Friend
For ANY Business that wants to support this Pet Community.
- Your Business Name/Logo Added to Our Supporters Page
- Social Media Shout-out/Feature
$50/year + GST
For Pet Owners, Pet Lovers, Pet Enthusiasts and those that just want to support this Pet Community
- Your Name Added to our Supporters Page
- Social Media Group Shout-out
- Access to Exclusive Monthly Merch Giveaways
$25/year + GST
ResQ Partner
You must be a pet rescue or pet-related legitimate non-profit or registered located within Saskatchewan to be a ResQ Partner
Partnership Features:
- Added on our Supporters Page
- Adoptable Pet Feature
- Detailed Listing Upgrade
- Monthly Email
- Helpful Resources, Support and other Special Opportunities
Become a Sponsor
Fill out the form below if you would like to become a sponsor and support the SaskPets Community!
SK Pet Business Sponsorship Details
Your sponsorship helps support the Saskatchewan Pet Community and in return we would like to help support your business. At SaskPets we strongly believe in building a supportive network between other Pet Businesses in our province where we can collaborate, work together and help each other out!
See the chart below to help decide which sponsorship option may work best for your business! We appreciate any and all support to help grow and maintain this community.

Business Friend Sponsorship Details
Are you a business that LOVES pets?! Then this sponsorship is for you! SaskPets is Saskatchewan's Pet Community. We provide helpful and fun information and content related to Pets. Your sponsorships helps us to continue growing and provide more for this community.
Included with your sponsorship:
- Your name or business logo added to our Supporters Page on our website under Business Friends
- A solo shout-out on our Social Media pages to say thank you for your support
Pet Pal Sponsorship Details
If you are a pet owner, pet lover or both this sponsorship is for you! Your sponsorship helps the SaskPets Community by allowing us to continue maintaining and growing the website and community. We want to continue providing useful content to you that is also fun and unique.
Included with your sponsorship:
- You will be added to our Supporters page on our website under Pet Pals (first name and last initial)
- You will also be added to our monthly Giveaway draw
- A name is randomly drawn from our Pet Pal Sponsors every month on the 15th
- Winner(s) each month will be contacted by email or phone and prizes will be mailed at our expense
- Prizes range from SaskPets merch to other Sask-made pet-related products. You could win more than once in your sponsorship year!
ResQ Partner Details
As a ResQ Partner with SaskPets you will be showing your support for the Saskatchewan Pet Community. As a ResQ Partner it also allows us to help your organization out more closely and in multiple different ways! Supporting others in our community is very important to us, especially those organizations who donate their time to helping animals in need.
Being a ResQ Partner includes:
- A monthly adoptable pet feature on our Community Bulletin and Social Media pages
- Upgraded to a Detailed Listing in our Online Directory
- Be featured on our Social Media & Supporters Page
- Helpful Resources, Support & other Opportunities