Detailed Listing

Follow the instructions below to get your Detailed Listing set-up and/or request changes to your current Detailed Listing! If you have questions check the tips section below and the FAQ at the bottom of the page, if you still have questions CONTACT us!

To find your Listing on our site you can CLICK HERE and search for your business name!

Create your Detailed Listing or Change Information in your current Detailed Listing:

Fill out the form below to get started on making your listing stand out and start attracting new customers! You can also use this form to request an update to any information in your listing (business hours, address, description, photos, etc)

BONUS: As part of your membership, once your detailed listing is all set up (the first time) it will automatically be set-up as a Featured Listing for 7 days! This FREE advertising will put your listing at the top of each directory page to get more exposure and views from potential customers. If you’d like to feature your listing more or learn more about it check out the page about advertising HERE.

When your membership is renewed you can choose when you'd like to Feature your Listing for 7 days for FREE!


  • Detailed Listings are only Active as long as your membership is Active. When your membership is no longer active (is cancelled, expires, etc) your listing will return to a regular listing and any features added from the detailed listing will be removed.
  • Detailed listing descriptions and photos must comply with our Terms and Conditions of Membership 
  • You can update any details of your listing at anytime while your membership is active, just fill out the form above!

Helpful Information

Tips for creating a new Detailed Listing:

  • All Descriptions are written in 3rd person (They, Them, She, He, Business Name, etc). This creates uniformity for potential customers and helps keep things more professional and polished on our site.
  • Provide important details that you want potential customers to know but keep things fairly concise. Too short may not provide enough details, too long and people won’t take the time to read it. A few short paragraphs explaining a bit about your business/you, the products/services you offer and a few things that make your business unique/stand-out are usually best.
  • Choose up to 6 good quality photos that best show off your business: this can be pictures of your facility, your products, your services or whatever you feel best shows off what your business is and provides/offers
  • When something in your business changes, make sure to let us know (request and update/change) so we can update your listing to the most accurate information! Accurate information gets more customers and is much more helpful.
  • For examples of Detailed Listings check out those from our current Business Supporter Members.


  1. What is a Detailed Listing? A Detailed Listing is a more detailed version of a regular listing in the SaskPets Online Directory. It provides a much more detailed description, provides more accurate information as well as more photos for potential customers to see.
  2. Why you want to have a Detailed Listing over a Regular Listing. The more details you provide in a concise manner, the more potential customers and exposure. When pet owners are searching certain terms on Google, and on our site, your listing is more likely to show up to your targeted customers; especially compared to a regular listing with fewer keywords and details. This is even more important if you do not have your own website (think of it as a mini-website for your business that you don’t have to worry about!) You are welcome to request an update to your listing as well such as change of hours, address or if you would like different photos added or any other information. Just fill out the form above!
  3. I already have a website and/or Social Media pages, do I still need a Detailed Listing? As SaskPets continues to grow it will show up more and more at the top or closer to the top of Google searches when potential customers are looking for products/services you provide. The Detailed listing is a more condensed place where all of the important details about your business are listed in one place, making it easy for customers to see and requires less effort for them. If we make things concise and helpful by providing customers the details they need in one place they are more likely to read them and lead them to checking out your personal website, social media or contact you directly. The more people that know about your business and know about what you offer, the more customers and referrals you will get!
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