Business Supporter Member Area

Access Your Member Features Below!

Update your Directory Listing!

This is where you request to update your Directory Listing.

You can create your NEW Detailed Listing and/or update the information shown in your Listing.

An up-to-date Listing is important for attracting new clients and referrals and is also helpful for current clients.

Advertising Opportunities

There are multiple ways you can advertise with SaskPets to help reach more potential customers as well as provide education to the public about your business and the products or services you provide.

Member Discounts

As a Business Supporter Member you receive some special discounts! We are looking at getting most of these to be automatically applied upon check-out from our online store, but for now see your discount codes below!

  • 10% off in the SaskPets Online Store (including Resq merch and local products)
  • 25% off Advertising on the SaskPets Website (featured listings/banner ads)

Discount Codes:

BAFREE - 1 x FREE Banner Ad for 5 days ($9.99 value) -> one time usage per year (12 months)

product10 - 10% off in our Online Store

ads25 - 25% off (featured listings/banner ads)


Any Questions or Comments?


Your Membership helps us continue building and maintaining this amazing Pet Community!

Thank you for your support!


Regular Virtual Google Meets:

Networking Event - virtual event available to members and non-members to connect with other like-minded individuals! Allowing you to communicate, collaborate and network with other business owners within your industry, community as well as province-wide.

Next Meeting: January 2024 TBA

Link: will be provided closer to the date

Mastermind Meeting - virtual event where we discuss specific topics to help you take your business to the next level, get advice from others in your industry, ask questions and much more!

Next meeting: Nov 15th @ 8:00pm

Topic: Growing Your Business



Business Supporter Member Facebook Group

Find your Directory Listing by searching your Business Name HERE

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